Siamese Cats – The Perfect Companion

siamese cats

The Siamese breed has a very diverse history. The Siamese cat originated in Thailand and is closely related to the Western variety. However, the Thai cat is distinct from the modern-style Siamese. The differences between the two kinds of cats are extensive, but there are some traits that they all have in common. Here are some of the most common and interesting ones. In addition to the classic and modern-style types, there are also a few subspecies of these felines.

The ideal Siamese cat is a medium-sized cat with long tapering lines. Its head is shaped in a wedge with no break at the tip of the ears. The eyes are the width of an eye and the whiskers are long and smooth, revealing the underlying bone structure. The nose and eyelids should be symmetrical, with the tip of the nose pointing downwards. The eyes are almond-shaped, and the ears should be large and pointed.

Call Kittentanz for more details!

A Siamese cat should be kept as part of a family. It needs constant interaction with its family, and when left alone, it can become lonely and pouty. It is best to get two Siamese cats if you work during the day. This way, your cat will have a buddy to play with at all times. It is also compatible with other pets and children. It is a good idea to take the Siamese cat to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Siamese cats are well-known for their personality. They are among the most vocal cats and enjoy having long conversations with their owners. Their intelligence and natural curiosity make them ideal pets. The perfect companion. And while they are very sweet, they never seem to have a dull moment. Its personality and intelligence are unmatched by any other breed. It is easy to get enamored with a Siamese.

Siamese cats are very intelligent. They are playful and intelligent. Their meows are loud and distinctive. Their meows have a similar sound to a human baby. They love human companionship and do not like to be left alone. They are social animals and are great with children and other pets. In addition to their beautiful appearance, they are fun to interact with. They are excellent pets and will make you feel proud.

Traditional Siamese cats are about 18 pounds. Their noses tend to be downward-pointed. Their bodies are longer than their tails and smaller than their ears. They also have a flattened head. They are incredibly chatty. If you have time to devote to your new pet, he will probably be your best friend. A good idea is to get two or three cats if you are going to work long hours.

Call Kittentanz for more details!

Traditional Siamese Kittens

Traditional Siamese kittens are not the same as the modern-style Siamese. The original breed came from Thailand, where they were called Wichien Maat. Both are related to the Western Siamese cat, but the Thai cat is different in many ways. Its fur is thick and velvety, and it has a distinct, long-haired pattern on its head. However, both varieties are quite similar to the modern-style Siamese.

Unlike traditional cats, Siamese kittens are best suited for households with children or other pets. Adult Siamese cats are known for their health and personality. To find a suitable pet, you can visit a reputable breeder. They may have retired show cats or breeding cats. You can also browse their website to see which kittens are available. Besides their unique personality, these cats are very playful.

Siamese cats are known for their sociable personalities and affectionate nature. These cute and cuddly felines are great for families. Despite their aloof nature, these cats are extremely friendly and highly affectionate. They are also very friendly and make great pets. You can choose from a variety of Siamese breeds. But make sure to choose a reputable breeder and avoid backyard breeders. If you can’t find one that suits your needs, you can always check out local shelters.

Traditional Siamese kittens are highly intelligent and can be trained very easily. They are naturally intelligent and love to play with people, which makes them ideal pets. You can even get a pair of traditional Siamese kittens for a couple hundred dollars. This is an exceptional price to pay for a pet that is sure to give you many years of companionship. You’ll be able to find a new best friend in no time at all.

Traditional Siamese cats are medium-sized cats with bright blue eyes and irrepressible personalities. The traditional Siamese breeds of this breed are not very delicate, but they are very muscled. They can easily eat a lot without becoming overweight, though they can have weight problems when they reach the age of five to 10 years. Fortunately, this is a relatively easy problem to fix. Try to find a cat with the same personality and temperament as yours.

In addition to a traditional Siamese kitten, these cats are highly intelligent and trainable. They love to play games with you, and they are great company for children. You can visit their website for more information on how to adopt a traditional Siamese. If you’re having a difficult time choosing a new cat, consider visiting a local shelter to find a suitable pet. They are usually outgoing and sociable.

Traditional Siamese kittens are typically large and heavy, with a short, flat face. They have a short, pointed face and a small, pointed tail. The traditional Siamese breed is also the most popular among cats. These cats are sweet and loving. They are classified into three groups: the Traditional Applehead, Blue Point, and Traditional Wedehead. If you’re looking for a traditional Siamese, you should check out the Bella Mia cattery’s website and read the reviews from previous customers.

Siamese and Tonkinese – Celebrating the 4th of July!

Kittentanz kittens are generally pretty good with fireworks and other sudden noises.. but, those whose kittens are a less “laid back” might want to take a look at these tips for a more comfortable Fourth of July for your cats!

The first is pretty obvious: Keep your cats indoors!

Even if you are not setting off the fireworks yourself, there might be a lot of new sounds and people around. Making sure your cat stays indoors will insure that your kitty stays safe!

Make sure your cat can’t escape!

Go ahead and make sure all windows and doors are closed. Make sure all obvious “Hidey Holes” are blocked off. Cats can get into suprisingly small spaces when afraid! Make sure the cat door is blocked!

Let them use “Their Space.”

If they have a place they like to retreat to already, make it more appealing! Blankets or treats will enhance the experince. Remember the higher they are, they better they like it. As long as it is safe and accessable, set the spot up high!

Don’t confine them!

Don’t enforce kitty “jail time”, they might get hurt trying to get out. Let them find their safe space without enforcing it on them.

Distractions help!

Play a movie on the TV or music on radio. Cover the windows that might see flashes from the display to help insulate them from the fireworks.

Business as Usual

Don’t pick up or try to smother your cat! They can tell when you are upset for them and will pick up on this! These increases in stress hormones can cause them to act out or bite. Leave them be until morning.. They should be back to normal then! Take a moment to make sure you cats microchip information is squared away. That way, if there is an escape, you can be sure the chip info is accurate!

Watch those party foods!

Party foods can be a source of hazards for your cat! Here is a quick list of foods that your cat should never eat!

Onions and Garlic (That includes Summer Lillies!)

Chocolate and cookie dough

Alcohol and Sodas

Cheese and Milk

Grapes or Raisins

Keep this in mind and have a Happy and Fun Fourth!

The Catman

Breed your Best Cat Ever!

Michelle has just finished and published her first book on breeding cats!

“Breed Your Best Cat Ever!” addresses managing the cattery and touches on managing your Cattery business. This book looks specifically on cattery management to help both new and established breeders breed their “Best Cat Ever!” This book is for for potential and inexperienced breeders: Breeding cats successfully is not as easy as you think! You need information to help you avoid pitfalls and chart a faster route to success. This business has specialized needs. However, you can benefit from the knowledge I have gained in the past 30 years to help you avoid trouble and more quickly establish your business

Please find your copy of “Breed Your Best Cat Ever!” at this Amazon link! (Click on the book above!)

Low Allergy Kittens! Good news for allergy sufferers that love Siamese and Tonkinese!

Most of the people who inquire about our Balinese kittens are looking for a low allergy cat for their families with cat allergies. But the secret is , you are not limited to Balinese when looking for a kitten! All Kittentanz kittens are low allergy and, in most cases, great for allergy sufferers. So, consider Siamese and Tonkinese and even the Burmese as choices when looking for a low allergy kitten!

Fel d 1 Protein

First, a background in what causes allergic reactions from exposure to cats. All cats produce a protein in their saliva called  Fel d 1 protein. It’s found in the cat’s saliva, urine, and skin. When a cat grooms itself, it gets the protein on its fur. So really, there is no such thing as a NON-allergy cat, only HYPO-allergenic cats. That means LOW allergy. So, if you have severe symptoms such as respiratory issues, hives or other bad reactions when you are exposed to cats then it is not a good idea to have a cat, even a hypoallergenic one! But, most people do not have severe symptoms and are just trying to not have the sneeze or runny nose and eyes associated with the typical cat allergy.

Most people think that cat hair is a problem, but that is not what most people are allergic to. The dander is what most people have issues with. As a cat grooms, they spread their saliva over their coat and as that dries it creates dander. Dander also consists of dead skin cells and that too can be a irritant. Cats produce oils from their glands than can spread while they are grooming and that can be an irritant too. The cat’s litter box habits can be a issue as urine cat can cause reactions. All these can be a carrier of the Fel D 1 protein. When cats groom themselves, use the litter box, or shed out their coat, the Fel d 1 protein gets into the environment. It will also get on your hands when you groom your cat or clean the areas your pet loves to lounge in. Let’s not forget cleaning the box!

It is known that lighter colors and females are friendlier to allergy sufferers. But, you might be able to get along with a darker kitten or a male if your allergies are minor. You can also take steps to lessen the dander problem, such as washing and grooming your cat properly to lessen the shedding of the dander in your home! You can also help by choosing the correct litter for your cat.

It turns out that a list of the most hypoallergenic cats has one thing in common, they are all Asian or Siamese in origin! Balinese happen to check all the boxes: they are Siamese in origin, are low shedding and have retained the lack of the Fel d 1 protien. In many of the show Siamese, because this trait was not important in the show ring, the gene for the lack of the Fel d 1 protein has been lost. In traditional Siamese this suppression of the protein has often been retained.

Because Burmese share origins with the Siamese, they have also retained this lack of the protein. As Tonkinese are historically a breed “in between” Siamese and Burmese, they too have retained their hypoallergenic quality.

Because all of these breeds have short coats that are easy to keep clean, lack the allergy causing protien, and have fastidious litter habits, they are great choices when looking for a cat that will be friendly to your allergies!

Kittentanz is known as the premier breeder of traditional “old fashioned” Siamese and Tonkinese and our kittens have retained the hypoallergenic quality that make our kittens a great choice if a Balinese seems to be your only option! Kittentanz has terrific Balinese, and we love our fuzzy little kittens! But, that is not the only kitten you have to choose from if the looks of the Balinese are not your primary reason for wanting one.

Just give the Catman a call and I will be glad to discuss the best cat for you and your family, your allergy issues and your lifestyle! If you have a Kittentanz kitten and you want some tips to keep the sniffles away, give me a call and I will be glad to talk to you about ways to make your kitten “allergy friendly”!

Call 770-735-1405 and we can chat!