Cats with FLUTD can be made more comfortable and stay in the home!

I have to admit the following comes from my wife, Michelle (AKA “the Catwoman!). I am just not this smart!

Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) describes a variety of conditions that affect the bladder and urethra of cats. Cats with FLUTD most often show signs of difficulty and pain when urinating, increased frequency of urination, and blood in the urine.

Owners should be educated about stress reduction and weight control, both of which are important components of FLUTD management.1,4 Any stressful change of routine, such as a new caretaker or reduced play time, has been shown to trigger a variety of sickness behaviors, including inappropriate urination.4 Adherence to routine and environmental enrichment (eg, proper hiding and perching locations) may help prevent recurrence of FLUTD.1,4

Focused dietary options such as Hill’s Prescription Diet c/d Multicare and Hill’s Prescription Diet c/d Multicare Feline Stress, coupled with behavioral counseling, can help make cats with FLUTD more adoptable or able to rejoin their family.

Other foods recommended by your vet may be available also.

Dietary management has been shown to influence FLUTD recurrence.5 Along with mineral concentrations and maintenance of urinary pH, antioxidant levels and omega-3 fatty acids can influence urinary health.5 A prospective, randomized, double-blinded study showed that Hill’s Prescription Diet c/d Multicare Feline reduced the recurrence rate of feline idiopathic cystitis signs in client-owned cats by 89% over a 12-month period as compared with a control food.5

A therapeutic food can also help alleviate stress; dietary supplements L-tryptophan and hydrolyzed casein have both been shown to manage stress in cats.6,7 These supplements have been added to Hill’s Prescription Diet c/d Multicare Feline to create Hill’s Prescription Diet c/d Multicare Feline Stress, which provides Hill’s primary solution to help prevent FLUTD in cats in potentially stressful situations (eg, relinquishment to a shelter, conflict with other pets, rehoming, new baby, travel).8

So, bottom line, FLUTD can be managed and improved with the right diet!

Please feel free to call Michelle and me to discuss ideas and issues with your “best cat ever!”


Kitten Scams!

There have been several customers who have called and related to me their experiences with a recent scam that is making the rounds currently. The scam goes something like this: There will be a website (nicely done) that will provide an email and phone contact. There will be several legit sounding testimonials and will offer a kitten at the price rage of 800.00 dollars or so. An unwitting customer will contract for a kitten and send a certified check or Paypal to the cattery for payment and the cattery says a shipping company will contact to make arrangements for shipping.

The day comes for the shipping to occur and the shipping final payment is often double if even triple the original price and the demand for payment is immediate as the kitten is on the way! The final outcome is clear… no kitten … no money.. no way to get the money back!

There are several ways to know if who you are buying from is real!

1: They have a real physical address and are not shy about visits or advertising their location.

2: They take Credit Cards!

3: They have business like phone manners and correspondence with their customers!

4: They can show you the EXACT kitten you will be getting.

5: They have a Vet, who can be called and communicated with.

6: They can make and complete all on the shipping and business arrangements for their customers.

7: They have active and ongoing social media with real people that can vouch for them.

Here is the IPATA scam alert typical scam outline:

The Steps of a Typical Online Pet Scam

One Buy Pets Online


Most pet scams begin with a buyer searching online for free / cheap pets for sale or puppies for sale.

2 Delivery of Puppy


Usually, the seller will offer to give the pet for free and then send the pet directly to them at a discounted price. Other points to look for: They almost always say they are only giving the pet away because their child passed away, that they moved for a new job and cannot provide enough attention for the animal due to work hours, or their new house won’t allow pets.

3 puppy delivery


Once committed to the sale, paperwork and delivery requesting additional money. The scammer will then say that the airline is requiring a temperature controlled crate, shipping insurance, additional paperwork or shots, etc. Sometimes, they even set up additional email accounts, websites, etc to look like an airline or shipping company. This is all part of the scam!! They will even try to convince you that if you do not send them additional money they will report you for animal abandonment to the authorities.

Please see this link for a list of known scammers (these are mostly puppies!)

Here is a great site to make sure to check:

Use the search feature to narrow down the search for cattery or kitten to get a list of known scammers!

Be safe out there!

The Catman!

Cold weather and your cat! Tips for safety and comfort..

This winter you should be aware of cold weather and how it affects your cat even if they never go outdoors! Cats can be sensitive to cold and here are some ways to help your cat be safe and comfortable this winter.

Older cats need to keep warm because older joints and metabolism may not be up to facing colder temps. You, as an owner, can provide a warm place with blankets or beds that help your cat stay warm. Also, make sure your cat is getting enough to eat and drink as colder weather can cause a cat to need more calories and need more water to stay hydrated in the dry heated house air or the drier cold outside air. There are special heating pads that you can use for you pets! This pad from Amazon is a good bet: K&H Pet Products Extreme Weather Kitty Pad These pads are set with a safe maximum heat level and are washable and durable! If you have a favorite outdoor cat, these pads with a protected house /box will provide comfort in these cold winter nights!

Siamese are a naturally slim breed and Tonkinese are slim as well, and have very little insulating under fur that keeps other cats warm. So it is very important to know your kitty will be looking for a warm place to snooze. Be especially aware of the clothes dryer or other enclosed heated spaces they might get trapped in! During the cold winter months, many people use space heaters and wood burning stoves. Do not allow unsupervised pets in areas with space heaters which could be knocked over by a curious pet and cause a fire. Wood burning stoves are especially dangerous for cats who may try to jump up on them and burn their paws. Train your cat to stay away from the stove by using a squirt bottle of water or shaking a pop can filled with coins near the stove when the cat approaches it. Placing “scat mats” on the floor may also be helpful in keeping cats away from stoves and heaters. Also be very aware if your cat goes outside, (we do not recommend this!) that you make sure your car is clear before you start, as cats love the warmth a warm engine provides.

Other dangers that lurk outdoors include salt used to melt ice and antifreeze from cars. Salt is commonly used as a de-icer on roads and sidewalks in cold climates. Some cats are drawn to licking it up. Cats also ingest salt when they walk through it, then lick their feet, bellies, and legs to clean it off. Eating small amounts of de-icing products can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Eating larger amounts can cause your cat to develop an electrolyte imbalance and this can lead to increased thirst, kidney damage, seizures and death. Salt products are also very irritating to cats’ paw pads and skin. Your cat’s feet and pads can become cracked, bleed, and even get infected if they walk on too much salt. So, limit the exposure your cat has to salted walkways and roads!

Anifreeze tastes sweet to animals and cats may be drawn to it! As little as a teaspoon can be deadly! During the winter exposure is more likley so be sure to wipe up spills and make sure there are no open containers to spill!

And at last we must include a note about boarding and travel during the holidays. If you are traveling during the holidays and need to leave your feline companion at home, start to make accommodations for your pet early. Many boarding facilities fill up very quickly. Responsible pet sitters are a good alternative. If they are unfamiliar with your house or cat, have them come over and get acquainted before you leave.

Cold waether doesn’t need to be unpleasent for your cat just be carefull and follow these tips and all will be well this winter!

Thanks for reading…


What is a Tiffany?

STORYTIME with Carolyn!

Let’s talk about Jade! But first.. let’s talk family background! Chocolate Chip (second picture) was a CCA registered Sable Burmese male we had the pleasure of owning. Kona *now named Shug, and 18 years old* is a Natural Mink Tonkinese (3rd picture). Pretty babies!

Jade (first picture) was the first Tiffany *now called Tibetan* Tonkinese Michelle had ever seen! How cool is that? She would now be 15, and she was one of my favorite cats when I was little!

Our Tiffany’s are few and far between, but definitely a favorite around here! They are just so cute! Because we all love to have a daily “Awe” – I have attached a picture of one of our current Tiffany kittens who already has a home. CUTE!

Have a purrfectly marvelous day everyone!
