Most of the people who inquire about our Balinese kittens are looking for a low allergy cat for their families with cat allergies. But the secret is , you are not limited to Balinese when looking for a kitten! All Kittentanz kittens are low allergy and, in most cases, great for allergy sufferers. So, consider Siamese and Tonkinese and even the Burmese as choices when looking for a low allergy kitten!

First, a background in what causes allergic reactions from exposure to cats. All cats produce a protein in their saliva called Fel d 1 protein. It’s found in the cat’s saliva, urine, and skin. When a cat grooms itself, it gets the protein on its fur. So really, there is no such thing as a NON-allergy cat, only HYPO-allergenic cats. That means LOW allergy. So, if you have severe symptoms such as respiratory issues, hives or other bad reactions when you are exposed to cats then it is not a good idea to have a cat, even a hypoallergenic one! But, most people do not have severe symptoms and are just trying to not have the sneeze or runny nose and eyes associated with the typical cat allergy.
Most people think that cat hair is a problem, but that is not what most people are allergic to. The dander is what most people have issues with. As a cat grooms, they spread their saliva over their coat and as that dries it creates dander. Dander also consists of dead skin cells and that too can be a irritant. Cats produce oils from their glands than can spread while they are grooming and that can be an irritant too. The cat’s litter box habits can be a issue as urine cat can cause reactions. All these can be a carrier of the Fel D 1 protein. When cats groom themselves, use the litter box, or shed out their coat, the Fel d 1 protein gets into the environment. It will also get on your hands when you groom your cat or clean the areas your pet loves to lounge in. Let’s not forget cleaning the box!
It is known that lighter colors and females are friendlier to allergy sufferers. But, you might be able to get along with a darker kitten or a male if your allergies are minor. You can also take steps to lessen the dander problem, such as washing and grooming your cat properly to lessen the shedding of the dander in your home! You can also help by choosing the correct litter for your cat.
It turns out that a list of the most hypoallergenic cats has one thing in common, they are all Asian or Siamese in origin! Balinese happen to check all the boxes: they are Siamese in origin, are low shedding and have retained the lack of the Fel d 1 protien. In many of the show Siamese, because this trait was not important in the show ring, the gene for the lack of the Fel d 1 protein has been lost. In traditional Siamese this suppression of the protein has often been retained.

Because Burmese share origins with the Siamese, they have also retained this lack of the protein. As Tonkinese are historically a breed “in between” Siamese and Burmese, they too have retained their hypoallergenic quality.
Because all of these breeds have short coats that are easy to keep clean, lack the allergy causing protien, and have fastidious litter habits, they are great choices when looking for a cat that will be friendly to your allergies!
Kittentanz is known as the premier breeder of traditional “old fashioned” Siamese and Tonkinese and our kittens have retained the hypoallergenic quality that make our kittens a great choice if a Balinese seems to be your only option! Kittentanz has terrific Balinese, and we love our fuzzy little kittens! But, that is not the only kitten you have to choose from if the looks of the Balinese are not your primary reason for wanting one.
Just give the Catman a call and I will be glad to discuss the best cat for you and your family, your allergy issues and your lifestyle! If you have a Kittentanz kitten and you want some tips to keep the sniffles away, give me a call and I will be glad to talk to you about ways to make your kitten “allergy friendly”!
Call 770-735-1405 and we can chat!