About Us

Welcome to the Family!

About Kittentanz:

We are a Cattery in Atlanta, Georgia that specializes in breeding traditional Siamese kittens, otherwise known as “Applehead” Siamese kittens, and traditional Tonkinese kittens. Besides “Applehead” Siamese or traditional Siamese kittens, and Tonkinese kittens, we often have Burmese and Exotic kittens.

Owned and operated by Bill and Michelle Harrison, our cattery is registered with CFA, and our kittens are registered with CCR.  Also, we are registered with the Georgia Agriculture Commission as a licensed pet dealer. Together we have over thirty three years experience raising and selling kittens.

Kittentanz Cattery office hours are 9:00 am – 5:00 pm EST, Mon- Sat, closed Sundays. Please E-mail anytime for a quick reply!

These are some of the quality features of our Cattery:

Cat water fountains:

* Water is available 24 hours a day through a fresh water delivery system.

Sanitary sifted litter trays:

* Litter trays kept clean and dry for higher sanitary conditions to control parasites.

Specially designed facilities:

* Facilities designed to prevent flea populations without insecticides.

Top Quality Feed

Excellent Vaccination program:

* We vaccinate all kittens at 13 and 16 weeks for distemper and FeLV and give dewormings.

Our breeding cats are tested negative for FELV, FIV and Corona Virus vaccinated for FeLV, distemper, and rabies.

We neuter and spay pet kittens at 16 weeks using the juvenile neuter and spay techniques of our qualified vet.

For more information on this technique see this Winn Feline Foundation Report  and  this study, by some of the leading research vets in the nation.

Note:  We use Early Neuter and Spay because it is the right thing to do! It is the best for our kittens, is endorsed by all Feline Veterinary research organizations, and by the AVMA . Early Neuter and Spay saves you the costs of surgery, and ensures you the best start for your kitten.

Kittens are available for purchase at 16 weeks old.

We will ship in moderate weather to any point in the U.S. We also can arrange international shipments to non-quarantine countries.

 Our kittens are guaranteed to be in perfect health, and we provide that guarantee in writing.

We breed healthy, friendly pets of these traditional types:




Traditional Siamese or “Applehead” Siamese



kittentanz family, siamese cats

We are Michelle and Bill Harrison and we have been breeding and selling kittens together for over 40 years. Kittentanz Cattery is in the foothills of the North Georgia mountains and we specialize in traditional “Applehead” Siamese kittens, and traditional Tonkinese kittens.


Traditional Siamese, Applehead, Balinese and Tokinese kittens.

Traditional Siamese, Applehead, Balinese and Tonkinese kittens.

Our Live Kitty Cam!